Wednesday, May 5, 2021

KEY SCHOOL team is the winner of VII Ukrainian Booktrailer Festival in 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021

"Masterchef Collection" presents!


Учні 5-7 класів влаштували онлайн змагання Junior Masterchef! Наши юні поварята поділилися своїми власними рецептами різних блюд. Мерщій готувати  з пятикласниками! Enjoy your meal!!!

Cooking books are also books!
They are very important!
We offer to add a videos or cartoons about video cooking books to our library-project. "Masterchef Collection" presents!


LA BOKla exhibition


Friday, February 5, 2021

Our collaborative book ABC

Book titled 'ABC ofLA   BOOKLA'Read this book made on StoryJumper

Cyrillic letters

We study Cyrillic letters with 7th grade - ornament, decor, Cyrillic style as in manuscripts ... They will become part of the traditional project-tandem of the art department with the Ukrainian language department - covers of prohect sheets

KEY SCHOOL team is the winner of VII Ukrainian Booktrailer Festival in 2021